Check out these great ideas for events and fundraising!

Teal is the new orange!
Teal is the colour of food allergy awareness, make your own DIY craft party to create ways to shine a light on food allergy. To help you get started, we’ve created a handy list of things you’ll need.

This idea has been gaining momentum in communities across North America!
The idea is to have a community gather with their cars in a parking lot where kids can dress up in their costumes and go “trunk-or-treat” – they go car to car and adults hand out allergy-friendly treats and toys from the trunks of their car.

Other ideas
The sky is the limit, use your imagination to come up with great fundraising events – like bake sales, dance-a-thon, craft sales, and #ShineATealLight bracelet sales, to help raise awareness for food allergy at Halloween and all year long!

School fundraising
You can fundraise at school and raise awareness for food allergy at the same time. Many of the same ideas (DIY craft party, trunk-or-treat) can be adapted for the school environment. For instance, kids can go from class to class instead of car to car, and classrooms can have a craft party competition. Check out Danica and Delaney’s story of fundraising at their school.
We also have many school resources that focus on educating children about food allergies, including the new All About Food Allergy Program. This is a free, medically-reviewed and curriculum-linked program for grades 4-6 that will help develop the knowledge and skills students need to support the health and well-being of self and others.

Help kids stay safe all year long by raising awareness and funds
If you want to help make a difference, but don’t have the time to put together a fundraising event, you can donate directly to Food Allergy Canada. Help us continue being able to educate, advocate, and support the more than 3 million Canadians impacted by food allergy. Your support is saving lives. Thank you.
For any questions you may have, contact us at, or call 1 866 785-5660.