FACT: Introducing common food allergens (e.g., peanut, egg) early and serving them often to babies can help prevent food allergy from developing. For early introduction, babies must be developmentally ready for solid foods.
Research has informed the current guidance to feed non-choking forms of foods containing common allergens around 6 months of age, but not before 4 months to babies at high risk for developing food allergy. Babies who are not considered high risk can start introduction around 6 months of age.
Once a baby has eaten the food, and if there is no allergic reaction, it’s very important to keep feeding that food (e.g., several times per week) to help prevent the development of food allergy. When it comes to early introduction, remember: Eat Early. Eat Often.
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This must-have parent resource gives guidance on how to feed babies early, what to watch for in terms of an allergic reaction, recipes, and tips!

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