Kyle Dine
Join us for our first youth webinar in our “Creating a better future” series! This session is geared toward youth aged 7-17.
What is the webinar about: Kyle will go over confidence-boosting strategies that will help youth take control and ownership over the finer details of their food allergy management. With a strong focus on the things youth care most about, Kyle will promote the balance between living a normal pre-teenage and teenage life, and being safe. The presentation will contain some out-of-box thinking and tips on how to follow key safety guidelines in creative ways that reflect a youth’s own unique self.
Who is presenting: Kyle Dine, musician, food allergy educator, and leader of our youth programs. Over the past decade, Kyle has reached over 1 million children with his empowering and educational messages about living with food allergy. He has multiple food allergies to peanut, tree nut, egg, seafood and mustard.
When is the webinar: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 from 12pm-1pm EDT
Who should attend: This session is for youth aged 7-17.
Register your child now, and please share with others who may benefit from the session! At registration, you will have an opportunity to submit your questions in advance of the webinar.
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