Allergy Pals Monthly webinars for 7-11 year olds

We have bi-monthly webinars just for kids as a part of our Allergy Pals program. Every other month, kids with food allergies that are between the ages of 7-11 can participate in webinars that will cover key educational information on managing food allergies.
Each webinar will be led by a trained peer mentor with food allergies where they will highlight a different topic each month, such as birthday parties, friends, school, and bullying. There will also be plenty of interactive games and activities that will have your child glued to the presentation!
The one-hour sessions will be held on the last Sunday of every other month at 7 pm EST. And unlike our traditional 8-week Allergy Pals mentorship program, there is no long-term commitment with Allergy Pals Monthly.
To register your child for a webinar, visit our calendar of events.
Watch one of the past sessions
2019 Allergy Pals Monthly webinars
- January 27th – Theme: Winter activities and allergies. Watch the webinar
- June 23rd – Theme: Summertime with food allergy. Watch the webinar
2018 Allergy Pals Monthly webinars
- January 28th – Theme: Valentine’s Day with Allergies. Watch the webinar
- February 25th – Theme: Travelling. Watch the webinar
- March 25th – Theme: Anxiety. Watch the webinar
- April 29th – Theme: Raising awareness. Watch the webinar
- May 27th – Theme: Dining out. Watch the webinar
- June 24th – Theme: Camping. Watch the webinar
- July 29th – Theme: Epinephrine. Watch the webinar
- August 26th – Theme: Back-to-school. Watch the webinar
- September 30th – Theme: New friends. Watch the webinar
- October 28th – Theme: Halloween. Watch the webinar
- November 25th – Theme: Cross-contamination. Watch the webinar
- December 16th – Theme: Holidays with allergies Watch the webinar
2017 Allergy Pals Monthly webinars
- July 30th – Theme: Birthday Parties. Watch the webinar
- August 27th – Theme: Back to School. Watch the webinar
- September 24th – Theme: Sports and Activities. Watch the webinar
- October 29th – Theme: Halloween. Watch the webinar
- November 26th – Theme: Reading Ingredient Lists. Watch the webinar
- December 17th – Theme: Holidays with Allergies. Watch the webinar