Watch our video showing the patient’s perspective on what it’s like to live with this medical condition.
A big thank you to those who participated in this video and so openly shared their stories.
Now is the time for a National Food Allergy Action Plan.

The National Food Allergy Action Plan is a framework to guide future policy actions for reducing the impact of food allergy and improving the quality of life for Canadians living with this medical condition.
The plan is a collaborative effort between Food Allergy Canada and the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI). It was officially released in Ottawa on Parliament Hill on May 28, 2019 as a part of our advocacy day with government.
This important work started in 2018 with the EpiPen® supply interruptions, as that highlighted the need for change to help ensure Canadians with food allergy have access to life-saving medication. It also highlighted other key gaps in self-management. We broadened the scope beyond access to epinephrine to look at all areas needed to improve the quality of life for Canadians impacted and to reduce the incidence and risk of food allergy.
Specifically, the National Food Allergy Action Plan focuses on greater support in the areas of prevention, management, treatment, and broad-based community and food system support.
The launch of this action plan is the first step in making food allergy a public health priority and driving real change.
The mission of this plan is to help Canadians with food allergy live safely and confidently, while advancing the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of food allergy.
Read our 2025 budget submission to the federal government.
Thanks to all of you who made food allergy count and sent your federal candidates a letter about making food allergy a priority. We’ll continue advocating with all levels of government to keep the momentum going.
Get involved! Advocate for a National Food Allergy Action Plan:

Tell them that food allergy matters and why it’s important they support the National Food Allergy Action Plan.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Simply complete our form and a letter will be automatically sent to all your local candidates within seconds.

Tell your MP how food allergy impacts you and to support the National Food Allergy Action Plan.
Additional ways to get involved:

Become a part of our advocacy team to help build our engagement with government and other key stakeholders.

We want to hear from you!
Let us know how you are advocating to #MakeFoodAllergyCount. Please share with us the emails/letters that you’ve sent to your MPs and let us know about the conversations you’ve had with them.
Be sure to let us know if they have pledged to support the Plan. That way, we can follow-up with them to keep the momentum going and build support!